
Refund and Returns Policy

Welcome to [Dr. Ahmed El Ezaby Pharmacies] and we would like to inform you of the terms of our return policy:

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1. Return period: You can return products within 14 days from the date of purchase.

2. Invoice: The original invoice must be presented when making a return.

3. Exceptions:

Refrigerator medicines, cosmetics, personal care products, or children’s supplies cannot be returned or exchanged unless they are sealed by the company.

If the product is not sealed by the company, return or exchange is not permitted, in order to ensure that the customer receives a product that has not been replaced by another customer.

Thank you for your understanding and keenness to maintain the quality of the products. Welcome to [Dr. Ahmed El Ezaby Pharmacies] and we would like to inform you of the terms of our return policy:

1. Return period: You can return products within 14 days from the date of purchase.

2. Invoice: The original invoice must be presented when making a return.

3. Exceptions:

Returns or exchanges of refrigerator medicines, cosmetics, personal care products, or children’s supplies are not allowed unless they are sealed by the company.

If the product is not sealed by the company, returns or exchanges are not allowed, in order to ensure that the customer receives a product that has not been replaced by another customer.

We thank you for your understanding and your keenness to maintain the quality of the products.