Yoko Skin care Lemon Spa Salt 300 G

Yoko Skin care Lemon Spa Salt 300 G

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EGP 32.00

Product description

Lemon Spa Salt is a body scrub for skin brightening. It possesses the invigorating, relaxing properties and also helps remove dirt deposit and dead skin cells to refresh and recharge your skin to start the day. Combining with natural ingredients of Vitamin B3 and Vitamin E creates such a fine spa salt enriched with powerful skin nutrients to nourish and moisturize during exfoliating for smooth, clean and healthy white skin. Rejuvenating properties and will brighten dull skin. Is an excellent antioxidants, to protect cells against free radical damage, also can slow the aging process. Helps exfoliate surface skin cells to reveal newer and younger looking skin discolorations. Pour small amount of spa salt on wet body and rub gently in circular motion for about 3 minutes. Rinse off with clean water and bathing regularly.

International code:8853976005478

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الرمز الدولي: 8853976005478

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