Viola Hair Repair Mask 120gm


Viola Hair Repair Mask 120gm

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EGP 189.00

Product Description
The first hair mask rich in Collagen, Biotin, Argan and other premium ingredients
Soften & strengthen hair shaft
Optimum penetration deep inside hair shaft
Suitable for all hair types
Amazing smooth & shiny hair look in a short time
Rich in protein to prevent hair breakage
Potent antioxidant to protect from recurrent damage
International code: 6224008869023

Availability: In stock SKU: 76682 EAN: 6224008869023 Categories: ,
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مناسب لجميع أنواع الشعر
مظهر رائع لشعر ناعم ولامع في وقت قصير
غني بالبروتين لمنع تقصف الشعر
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